Temperature.parse constructor

  1. required Object value,
  2. String? symbol,

Get a Temperature from raw data of value and unit symbol.

If symbol is provided, value can be either num or numeric String. Otherwise, value must be a String and last charther must be validated unit.

If provided parameter does not stastified the requirement, it throw TypeError.


factory Temperature.parse({required Object value, String? symbol}) {
  double val;
  String s;

  if (symbol == null) {
    if (!(value is String)) {
      throw TypeError();

    final int lastChar = value.length - 1;

    s = value[lastChar];
    val = double.parse(value.substring(0, lastChar));
  } else {
    if (value is num) {
      val = value.toDouble();
    } else if (value is String) {
      val = double.parse(value);
    } else {
      throw TypeError();

    s = symbol;

  switch (s) {
    case _c:
      return Celsius(val);
    case _f:
      return Fahrenheit(val);

  throw TypeError();