download method

Future<File?> download({
  1. String? path,
  2. String? token,

This is an advanced method of Televerse. This method downloads the particular file and saves it to the specified path.

Specify the token parameter if you want to use a specific bot token.

Note: Make sure the path is a valid path and the directory exists.


Future<io.File?> download({String? path, String? token}) async {
  path ??= io.Directory.current.path;

  String fpath;
  final name = filePath?.split("/").last;
  final ext = name?.split(".").last;

  final bytes = await getBytes(token);
  if (bytes == null) return null;
  if (path.endsWith(".$ext")) {
    fpath = path;
  } else {
    fpath = "$path/$name";

  final file = io.File(fpath);
  if (!file.existsSync()) {
  return await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);