download method
This is an advanced method of Televerse. This method downloads the particular file and saves it to the
specified path
Specify the token
parameter if you want to use a specific bot token.
Note: Make sure the path
is a valid path and the directory exists.
Future<io.File?> download({String? path, String? token}) async {
path ??= io.Directory.current.path;
String fpath;
final name = filePath?.split("/").last;
final ext = name?.split(".").last;
final bytes = await getBytes(token);
if (bytes == null) return null;
if (path.endsWith(".$ext")) {
fpath = path;
} else {
fpath = "$path/$name";
final file = io.File(fpath);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
return await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);