replyDice method

Future<Message> replyDice({
  1. int? messageThreadId,
  2. bool withQuote = false,
  3. String emoji = Dice.emojiDice,
  4. bool? disableNotification,
  5. bool? allowSendingWithoutReply,
  6. ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup,

Reply to the recieved message with a dice message

A wrapper around TeleDart.sendDice. On success, returns the sent Message.

It can take some options that control the message appearance and behavior.

Check Telegram API documentation for more information about those options.


Future<Message> replyDice({
  int? messageThreadId,
  bool withQuote = false,
  String emoji = Dice.emojiDice,
  bool? disableNotification,
  bool? allowSendingWithoutReply,
  ReplyMarkup? replyMarkup,
}) =>
        messageThreadId: messageThreadId ?? this.messageThreadId,
        emoji: emoji,
        disableNotification: disableNotification,
        replyToMessageId: withQuote ? messageId : null,
        allowSendingWithoutReply: allowSendingWithoutReply,
        replyMarkup: replyMarkup);