Resource generator


Generate resource class from assets folder.

Getting started

Before using this generator, your assets folder must have this structure:

├── <assets-folder>/
   ├── images/ (for images)
   ├── vectors/ (for vector images or svg)
   ├── translations/ (for localizations)
   ├── fonts/ (for fonts)
   ├── scripts/ (for shell scripts)
   ├── configs/ (for JSON configurations)
├── lib/
├── pubspec.yaml


Activate executable:

dart pub global activate tek_generator

cd to your ptoject folder:

cd <your-project>

Run the generator:

dart pub global run tek_generator:generate -i <assets-folder> -o <output-folder> -p <optional-package>


  • -i, optional, is the assets folder, default to assets.
  • -o, optional, is the output folder, default to resources.
  • -p, optional, is the package name if assets are in a package/module instead of an application.


Contact Nguyen Anh Quan ( or for more information or requests.