tdCreate function

int tdCreate()

TdLib Client class for interaction with TDLib. The main TDLib interface is asynchronous. To match requests with a corresponding response, the field "TdFunction.extra" can be added to the request object. The corresponding response will have an "TdObject.extra" field with exactly the same value. Each returned object will have an "TdObject.client_id" field, containing the identifier of the client for which a response or an update was received.

A TDLib client instance can be created through create.

Requests can be sent using send and the received client identifier.

New updates and responses to requests can be received through receive from any thread after the first request has been sent to the client instance. This function must not be called simultaneously from two different threads.

Also note that all updates and responses to requests must be applied in the order they were received for consistency.

Some TDLib requests can be executed synchronously from any thread using td_execute.

TDLib client instances are destroyed automatically after they are closed. All TDLib client instances must be closed before application termination to ensure data consistency. Returns client id for the created instance of TDLib. The TDLib instance will not send updates until the first request is sent to it. 0 mean No client instance.


/// Returns client id for the created instance of TDLib.
/// The TDLib instance will not send updates until the first request is sent to it.
/// 0 mean No client instance.
int tdCreate() => TdPlugin.instance.tdCreate();