TCP port scanner

This is simple TCP port scanner. Library allows you to get scan status during the scanning. You can use single scan thread or define number of threads to improve perfomance.


To use this package you have to add tcp_scanner as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml. It's easy to scan a host. You just need to create the TCPScanner instance and call scan method. The result is stored in ScanResult data object.

Scan specified ports:

import 'package:tcp_scanner/tcp_scanner.dart';

main() {
  TCPScanner("localhost", [ 80, 8080, 443 ]).scan().then((result) {
HTTP ports scan result
Host:          ${}
Scanned ports: ${result.ports}
Open ports:    ${}
Closed ports:  ${result.closed}
Elapsed time:  ${result.elapsed / 1000}s

If host is reachable and ports are closed output will be:

HTTP ports scan result
Host:          localhost
Scanned ports: [80, 8080, 443]
Open ports:    []
Closed ports:  [80, 8080, 443]
Elapsed time:  0.03s

Sometimes you can not get response from the host or from specified port because of firewall or IDS. In this case port will be marked as closed. To define connection establishment timeout you should use timeout argumnet in the constructor. By default, timeout is 100ms.

Scan in the following example elapsed about 900 ms because it was scanned 3 ports of the unreachable host with 300ms timeout.

import 'package:tcp_scanner/tcp_scanner.dart';

main() {
          timeout: 100)
      .then((result) {
HTTP ports scan result
Host:          ${}
Scanned ports: ${result.ports}
Open ports:    ${}
Closed ports:  ${result.closed}
Elapsed time:  ${result.elapsed / 1000}s


HTTP ports scan result
Scanned ports: [80, 8080, 443]
Open ports:    []
Closed ports:  [80, 8080, 443]
Elapsed time:  1.016s

You can use TCPScanner.range constructor if you want to scan ports range:

import 'package:tcp_scanner/tcp_scanner.dart';

main() {
  TCPScanner.range("", 20, 1000).scan().then((result) {
20-1000 ports scan result
Host:           ${}
Scanned ports:  20-1000
Open ports:     ${}
Elapsed time:   ${result.elapsed / 1000}s

You can get the current status while scan is running. Just use TCPScanner.scanResult to get current status. You can control update interval by updateInterval parameter. By default, update interval is 1 second. Getting information about running scan:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:tcp_scanner/tcp_scanner.dart';

main() {
  var tcpScanner = TCPScanner.range("", 20, 50000, updateInterval: Duration(seconds: 5));
  var timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
    var scanProgress = 100.0 * (tcpScanner.scanResult.scanned.length / tcpScanner.scanResult.ports.length);
    print("Progress ${scanProgress.toStringAsPrecision(3)}%");
  tcpScanner.scan().then((result) {
20-50000 ports scan result
Host:          ${}
Scanned ports: 20-50000
Open ports:    ${}
Elapsed time:  ${result.elapsed / 1000}s


Progress 0.00%
Progress 7.99%
Progress 18.2%
Progress 28.2%
Progress 38.2%
Progress 48.8%
Progress 59.6%
Progress 70.4%
Progress 81.1%
20-50000 ports scan result
Scanned ports: 20-50000
Open ports:    [1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 29754]
Elapsed time:  9.841s

You can improve perfomance by set isolates argument. Also, you can shuffle ports using shuffle option.

  var multithreadedScanner = TCPScanner.range("", 20, 5000, isolates: 10, shuffle: true);
  var multithreadedTimer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
    var scanProgress = 100.0 * (multithreadedScanner.scanResult.scanned.length / multithreadedScanner.scanResult.ports.length);
    print("Progress ${scanProgress.toStringAsPrecision(3)}%");
  multithreadedScanner.scan().then((result) {
20-5000 ports scan result
Host:          ${}
Scanned ports: 20-5000
Open ports:    ${}
Elapsed time:  ${result.elapsed / 1000}s

Open ports is shuffled in the report because shuffle option was used and ports were scanned in a random order. Ports will be shuffled each call of scan().

Progress 0.00%
Progress 21.5%
Progress 52.4%
20-50000 ports scan result
Scanned ports: 20-50000
Open ports:    [1028, 1029, 1024, 1027, 29754, 1026, 1025]
Elapsed time:  3.535s

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


TCP port scanner