sendAndWait method

Future<TcpMessage?> sendAndWait(
  1. Object msg, {
  2. dynamic appendTerminator = true,

will send a message to the socket, and will reply with a future that resolves to the next message received on the socket.

NOTE: This function will automatically append the terminator bytes if they have been specified.


Future<TcpMessage?> sendAndWait(Object msg, {appendTerminator = true}) async {
  // wait for the previous completer to complete or fail
  await _completer?.future;
  _completer = Completer<Uint8List?>();
  send(msg, appendTerminator: appendTerminator);
  var res = await _completer!.future.timeout(timeout, onTimeout: () {
    return null;
  if (res == null) return null;
  return TcpMessage(res);