
A Package for flutter.

You can use the package to control your font easily.

you can control your font with google font package


youtube https://youtu.be/P1eAeWMCgxM

default style should use in desktop

property description
h1 fontSize: 40, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, height: 1.2
h2 fontSize: 32, fontWeight: FontWeight.w600, height: 1.2
h3 fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w600, height: 1.2
h4 fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, height: 1.2
h5 fontSize: 20, height: 1.2
h6 fontSize: 16, height: 1.2
b1 fontSize: 20, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, height: 1.2
b2 fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.2

important information

when use TBIBFontStyle.lisenGoogleFont( GoogleFonts.aBeeZee(textStyle: TBIBFontStyle.h2), 2);

  TBIBFontStyle.addCustomFont("BerthaMelanie", 3);
  you see ,2 ?? 2 meaning h2 in this library you have h1 to h6 only and b1 take style from h5 and b2 take style from h6

when use Pacakge google font use it in first code then edit your style

you can use code in main to handle all fonts in light and dark mode

//h1 style that mean h1 in library change fontFamily with BerthaMelanie
  TBIBFontStyle.h1 = TBIBFontStyle.h1.copyWith(fontFamily: "BerthaMelanie");
  //dark h1
    // 0.0.6 not need change color to white it is default

  TBIBFontStyle.h1Dark = TBIBFontStyle.h1Dark.copyWith(color: Colors.white);

//h2 dark with default style but in dark mode with color white
  // 0.0.6 not need change color to white it is default

  TBIBFontStyle.h2Dark = TBIBFontStyle.h2Dark.copyWith(color: Colors.white);

  //h3 and h3Dark style will change fontFamily with BerthaMelanie like in h1
  // ,3 is mean h3
  TBIBFontStyle.addCustomFont("BerthaMelanie", 3);
  // h3 dark  will be color white 
  // 0.0.6 not need change color to white it is default
  TBIBFontStyle.h3Dark = TBIBFontStyle.h3Dark.copyWith(color: Colors.white);

You can use responsive font size in 0.0.6 or above

  double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
     // or use that and make h1 and h1Dark in screen < 1200
     TBIBFontStyle.responsiveFontSize(width ,h1Size: 20,);
     //or use that to make h1 in screen >= 1200 50 px and < 1200 will be 20
     TBIBFontStyle.responsiveFontSize(width ,h1Size: 20, h1SizePc: 50);

when use responsive font size in screen < 1200 default

property description
h1 fontSize: 22 + ((1.5 * screenWidth) / 100), fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, height: 1.2
h2 fontSize: 21.2 + ((.9 * screenWidth) / 100), fontWeight: FontWeight.w600, height: 1.2
h3 fontSize: 20.8 + ((.6 * screenWidth) / 100), fontWeight: FontWeight.w600, height: 1.2
h4 fontSize: 20.4 + ((.3 * screenWidth) / 100), fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, height: 1.2
h5 fontSize: 20, height: 1.2
h6 fontSize: 16, height: 1.2
b1 fontSize: 20, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, height: 1.2
b2 fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.2

you can use GoogleFont flutter package like this

  that mean h2 font family is aBeeZee from GoogleFont Package 
      GoogleFonts.aBeeZee(textStyle: TBIBFontStyle.h2), 2);

you can use custom font

    I download BerthaMelanie font and added it in pubspec 
    and when add this code in main it mean h3 and h3Dark fontFamily = BerthaMelanie
   TBIBFontStyle.addCustomFont("BerthaMelanie", 3);

you can use deafult style in flutter h1 = headline1 but should remove responsive font size


when use light and dark mode

        "Text color mode",
        style: isDark ? TBIBFontStyle.h3Dark : TBIBFontStyle.h3,

this is deprecated and not working properly

You can use responsive font size TBIBFontStyle.fontResponsive(width ); deprecated

    that mean use font responsive with default style library in mobile 
    double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
    TBIBFontStyle.fontResponsive(width );

You can use responsive font size deprecated

    that mean use font responsive with default style library in mobile 
    double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
 that code mean when width screen > 1200 h1 will be font size 20
 double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
   if(width < 1200){
       // or remove default style
       TBIBFontStyle.h1 = TextStyle(fontSize: 20);
         // when use useCastomFontSize is mean use any h1 to h6 changed
       TBIBFontStyle.fontResponsive(width,useCastomFontSize: true); // deprecated

if make useCastomFontSize true you should use hotRestart not reload sorry for this issues