TBIB Splash Screen

this package work with Animated Text Kit to animated text

see all animated text in Animated Text Kit

but add new animations for fade anim , route and scale to disable fade out text

  • FadeAnimatedSplashScreenText - RotateAnimatedSplashScreenText - ScaleAnimatedSplashScreenText

v 0.0.5

Support gradient color in backgrond if you want

v 0.0.2

Support lottie file.


They say, first impression is the last! Yep, truly for any amazingly crafted application, it's easier to start impressing your audience with a good start - the splash screen!

Every time a flutter application is started, it takes some time to load the Dart isolate (which runs the code). This means user will see a blank white screen till Flutter renders the first frame of the application.

Use this package automatically generates android, iOS, and Web native code for customizing this native splash screen background color and splash image. Supports dark mode, full screen, and platform-specific options.

The native splash screen is displayed till Flutter renders the first frame of the application. After that you have to load your real splash screen.

This package also contains a collection of Splash Screen example for your application to display logo and different style of text.

Before Splash screenAfter Splash screen

but to create native splash screen

flutter pub run tbib_splash_screen:create

but to remove native splash screen

flutter pub run tbib_splash_screen:remove

back to splash screen after open app

      navigateRoute: const HomeScreen(),
      text: WavyAnimatedText(
        "Splash Screen",
        textStyle: const TextStyle(
          color: Colors.red,
          fontSize: 32.0,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      imageSrc: "assets/logo_light.png",
      // paddingText
      // paddingLoading

you can use navigate where app is loaded

               navigateWhere: isLoaded,
               navigateRoute: const HomeScreen(),
               text: WavyAnimatedText(
                 "Splash Screen",
                 textStyle: const TextStyle(
                   color: Colors.red,
                   fontSize: 32.0,
                   fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
               imageSrc: "assets/logo_light.png",

you can use use lottie package

            navigateWhere: isLoaded,
            navigateRoute: const HomeScreen(),
            text: WavyAnimatedText(
                "Splash Screen",
                textStyle: const TextStyle(
                color: Colors.red,
                fontSize: 32.0,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
            imageSrc: "assets/logo_light_lottie.json",
            //  displayLoading: false,