
You can use the package to control your font easily.

you can control your font with google font package


You can use fonts dark or light like h1 - h1Dark

Getting started

You need use flutter_screenutil library to use it

    sdk: flutter
  # add flutter_screenutil
  flutter_screenutil: ^{latest version}
  tbib_font_responsive: ^{latest version}


  • lisenGoogleFont without choose h number

  • lisenGoogleFont withchoose h number


      GoogleFonts.aBeeZee(textStyle: TBIBFontStyle.h2), 2);

      TBIBFontStyle.addCustomFont("BerthaMelanie", 3);
      you see ,2 ?? 2 meaning h2 in this library you have h1 to h6 only and b1 take style from h5 and b2 take style from h6
  • when use Pacakge google font use it in first code then edit your style

handel screenUtil and tbib font responsive

    return ScreenUtilInit(
    designSize: const Size(360, 690),
    minTextAdapt: true,
    splitScreenMode: true,
    builder: (child) {
      return MaterialApp(
        title: 'Flutter Demo',
        theme: ThemeData(
          primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
        builder: (context, child) {
          ScreenUtil.init(context); // init screen Util
          log("old ${TBIBFontStyle.h1.fontSize}"); // see old font size
          ResponiveFont(); // start this class to start responsive font
           log("new ${TBIBFontStyle.h1.fontSize}"); // see new font size
            child: child!,
        home: const MyHomePage(title: ""), // start app