getLibraryMediaInfo method

Future<TautulliLibraryMediaInfo> getLibraryMediaInfo({
  1. int? sectionId,
  2. int? ratingKey,
  3. TautulliSectionType? sectionType,
  4. TautulliOrderDirection? orderDirection,
  5. TautulliLibraryMediaInfoOrderColumn? orderColumn,
  6. int? start,
  7. int? length,
  8. String? search,
  9. bool? refresh,

Handler for get_library_media_info.

Get the data on the Tautulli media info tables.

Required Parameters:

  • sectionId: The library section ID in Plex, OR
  • ratingKey: A grandparent or parent rating key

Optional parameters:

  • sectionType: The type of content to filter for
  • orderColumn: The column order key for sorting the media information records
  • orderDirection: The direction to sort the media information records
  • start: Which row to start at (default: 0)
  • length: Number of records to return (default: 25)
  • search: A string to search for
  • refresh: If true, refresh the media info table


Future<TautulliLibraryMediaInfo> getLibraryMediaInfo({
    int? sectionId,
    int? ratingKey,
    TautulliSectionType? sectionType,
    TautulliOrderDirection? orderDirection,
    TautulliLibraryMediaInfoOrderColumn? orderColumn,
    int? start,
    int? length,
    String? search,
    bool? refresh,
}) async => _commandGetLibraryMediaInfo(
    sectionId: sectionId,
    ratingKey: ratingKey,
    sectionType: sectionType,
    orderDirection: orderDirection,
    orderColumn: orderColumn,
    start: start,
    length: length,
    search: search,
    refresh: refresh,