getHomeStats method

Future<List<TautulliHomeStats>> getHomeStats({
  1. bool? grouping,
  2. int? timeRange,
  3. TautulliStatsType? statsType,
  4. int? statsCount,

Handler for get_home_stats.

Get the homepage watch statistics.

Optional Parameters:

  • grouping: Group data
  • timeRange: The amount of days to fetch data for. Minimum value of 1, anything below 1 will return the default time range (30 days)
  • statsType: What type of statistics to fetch
  • statsCount: The number of top items in the lists


Future<List<TautulliHomeStats>> getHomeStats({
    bool? grouping,
    int? timeRange,
    TautulliStatsType? statsType,
    int? statsCount,
}) async => _commandGetHomeStats(_client, grouping: grouping, timeRange: timeRange, statsType: statsType, statsCount: statsCount);