v7 constant

TarFormat const v7

Original Unix Version 7 (V7) AT&T tar tool prior to standardization.

The structure of the V7 Header consists of the following:

Start | End | Field

0 | 100 | Path name, stored as null-terminated string. 100 | 108 | File mode, stored as an octal number in ASCII. 108 | 116 | User id of owner, as octal number in ASCII. 116 | 124 | Group id of owner, as octal number in ASCII. 124 | 136 | Size of file, as octal number in ASCII. 136 | 148 | Modification time of file, number of seconds from epoch, stored as an octal number in ASCII. 148 | 156 | Header checksum, stored as an octal number in ASCII. 156 | 157 | Link flag, determines the kind of header. 157 | 257 | Link name, stored as a string. 257 | 512 | NUL pad.

Unused bytes are set to NUL ('\x00')s

Reference: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=tar&sektion=5&format=html https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_chapter/tar_15.html#SEC188 http://cdrtools.sourceforge.net/private/man/star/star.4.html


static const v7 = TarFormat._internal(1);