showRewardedVideoAd method

Future<bool> showRewardedVideoAd(
  1. String responseId, {
  2. dynamic onOpened(
    1. Map<String, String>
  3. dynamic onClosed(
    1. Map<String, String>
  4. dynamic onRewarded(
    1. Map<String, String>
  5. dynamic onError(
    1. Map<String, String>

Shows the ad requested using the responseId After calling the Ad it will open and call onOpened, then starts playing (if completed and not skipped, onRewarded will be called - Useful for giving the user some rewards) then closes with a banner at the end and calls onClosed

If the showing process failed, onError will be called with the reason as param


Future<bool> showRewardedVideoAd(String responseId,
    {Function(Map<String, String>)? onOpened,
    Function(Map<String, String>)? onClosed,
    Function(Map<String, String>)? onRewarded,
    Function(Map<String, String>)? onError}) async {
  if (!Platform.isAndroid) return false;

  if (onOpened != null) _openCallbacks[responseId] = onOpened;
  if (onClosed != null) _closeCallbacks[responseId] = onClosed;
  if (onRewarded != null) _rewardCallbacks[responseId] = onRewarded;
  if (onError != null) _errorCallbacks[responseId] = onError;

  return await _channel.invokeMethod(
      'TapsellPlus.showRewardedVideoAd', {'response_id': responseId});