Flutter SDK


Setup SDK

  • Set path TamaraSDK to your project(TamaraSDK Example) Example: Add sdk to your pubspec.yaml file

dependencies: tamara_flutter_sdk: version


  • run command line TamaraSDK Example:
  • flutter clean + flutter pub get: update new library
  • cd to IOS folder-> pod install -> install library IOS for TamaraSDK and TamaraSDK Example(pod file)

##How to use it Include function:

  • Init: Initialize before using it: TamaraPayment.initialize(AUTH_TOKEN, API_URL, NOTIFICATION_WEB_HOOK_URL, PUBLISH_KEY, NOTIFICATION_TOKEN, isSandbox)

Create and pay order

Before adding order's information, create Order by call this method with referenceOrderId and description. RefId is your unique id of your order.

TamaraPayment.createOrder(referenceOrderId, description)

These informations are mandatory:

Set customer's information:

TamaraPayment.setCustomerInfo(firstName, lastName,
            phoneNumber, email, isFirstOrder)

Set payment type (optional: default: PAY_BY_INSTALMENTS):


Add Item with its price, tax and discount:

TamaraPayment.addItem(name, referenceId ,sku, type, unitPrice,
                    taxAmount ,discountAmount, quantity)

Set shipping address and billing address:

TamaraPayment.setShippingAddress(firstName,lastName, phone,
                    addressLine1, addressLine2, country, region, city)
TamaraPayment.setBillingAddress(firstName,lastName, phone,
                    addressLine1, addressLine2, country, region, city)

Set shipping fee:


Set discount (optional):

TamaraPayment.setDiscount(discount, name)

Set instalments:


Set locale:


Set order number:


Set expires in minutes:


Set risk assessment:


Example: bool result = await TamaraPayment.setRiskAssessment(jsonData); if (result) { //json ok }

Set additional data:


Add Custom Fields AdditionalData: 
Example val jsonData = "{\"custom_field1\": 42, \"custom_field2\": \"value2\" }"


Processes to Tamara payment page using:


## Order detail
Get order detail
param mandatory: orderId


Response: parse json data -> model
String result = await TamaraSdk.getOrderDetail(orderId);
final orderDetail = OrderDetail.fromJson(jsonDecode(result));
OrderDetail.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    billingAddress = json['billing_address'] != null
        ? BillingAddress.fromJson(json['billing_address'])
        : null;
    canceledAmount = json['canceled_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['canceled_amount'])
        : null;
    capturedAmount = json['captured_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['captured_amount'])
        : null;
    consumer =
        json['consumer'] != null ? Consumer.fromJson(json['consumer']) : null;
    countryCode = json['country_code'];
    createdAt = json['created_at'];
    description = json['description'];
    discountAmount = json['discount_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['discount_amount'])
        : null;
    instalments = json['instalments'];
    if (json['items'] != null) {
      items = <Items>[];
      json['items'].forEach((v) {
    orderId = json['order_id'];
    orderNumber = json['order_number'];
    orderReferenceId = json['order_reference_id'];
    paidAmount = json['paid_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['paid_amount'])
        : null;
    paymentType = json['payment_type'];
    platform = json['platform'];
    refundedAmount = json['refunded_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['refunded_amount'])
        : null;
    settlementStatus = json['settlement_status'];
    shippingAddress = json['shipping_address'] != null
        ? BillingAddress.fromJson(json['shipping_address'])
        : null;
    shippingAmount = json['shipping_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['shipping_amount'])
        : null;
    status = json['status'];
    taxAmount = json['tax_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['tax_amount'])
        : null;
    totalAmount = json['total_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['total_amount'])
        : null;
    walletPrepaidAmount = json['wallet_prepaid_amount'] != null
        ? CanceledAmount.fromJson(json['wallet_prepaid_amount'])
        : null;

## Authorise order
Authorise order by call this method with orderId.
param mandatory: orderId


String result = await TamaraSdk.authoriseOrder(orderId);
final authoriseOrder = AuthoriseOrder.fromJson(jsonDecode(result));
AuthoriseOrder.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    autoCaptured = json['auto_captured'];
    orderExpiryTime = json['order_expiry_time'];
    orderId = json['order_id'];
    paymentType = json['payment_type'];
    status = json['status'];

## Cancel order
Note: Need call authorise order method before call cancel order
Cancel order reference by call this method with orderId and jsonData.

param mandatory: orderId
jsonData: use library convert class CancelOrderRequest to json (Gson)

TamaraPayment.cancelOrder(orderId, jsonData)


final cancelOrder = CancelOrder.fromJson(jsonDecode(result));

Update order reference

Update order reference by call this method with orderId and orderReference.

param mandatory: orderId, orderReference

TamaraPayment.updateOrderReference(orderId, orderReference)


final orderReference = OrderReference.fromJson(jsonDecode(result));
OrderReference.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    message = json['message'];

Capture a payment

Note: Need call authorise order method before call capture a payment Cancel order reference by call this method with orderId and jsonData.

param mandatory: orderId jsonData: use library convert class Capture to json (Gson)


Example: Response: TamaraSdk.getCapturePayment(jsonEncode(capture.toJson())); Capture.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { orderId = json'order_id'; totalAmount = EAmount.fromJson(json'total_amount'); taxAmount = EAmount.fromJson(json'tax_amount'); shippingAmount = EAmount.fromJson(json'shipping_amount'); discountAmount = EAmount.fromJson(json'discount_amount'); if (json'items' != null) { items =


Cancel order reference by call this method with orderId and jsonData. Note: Need call authorise order method before call Refunds

param mandatory: orderId jsonData: use library convert class Refund to json (Gson)

TamaraPayment.refunds(orderId, jsonData)

Example: Response: Refund refund = Refund(totalAmount: totalAmount, comment: comment); final result = await TamaraSdk.refunds(orderId, jsonEncode(refund));

Render widget cart page

Render widget cart page reference by call this method with language, country, publicKey, amount. param mandatory: language, country, publicKey, amount

TamaraPayment.renderWidgetCartPage(language, country, publicKey, amount)

Example: Response: String result = await TamaraSdk.renderCartPage(language, country, publicKey, amount); final cartPage = CartPage.fromJson(jsonDecode(result));

CartPage.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { script = json'script'; url = json'url'; }

Render widget product

Render widget product reference by call this method with language, country, publicKey, amount. param mandatory: language, country, publicKey, amount

TamaraPayment.renderWidgetProduct(language, country, publicKey, amount)

Example: Response: String result = await TamaraSdk.renderProduct(language, country, publicKey, amount); Product product = Product.fromJson(jsonDecode(result));

Product.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { script = json'script'; url = json'url'; }