
The Android implementation of talkjs_webview_flutter.


This is a fork of webview_flutter_android that has file upload support to the WebView. The changes made are specific to the TalkJS Flutter SDK and hence this package is NOT intended for use with other packages/plugins. Aside from the changes mentioned, no other changes have been made to this package. This is merely a stopgap measure until this Pull Request is merged into the main repository.

The versioning of this plugin is kept in sync with the main plugin it was forked from.


This package is endorsed, which means you can simply use talkjs_webview_flutter normally. This package will be automatically included in your app when you do.


This package uses pigeon to generate the communication layer between Flutter and the host platform (Android). The communication interface is defined in the pigeons/android_webview.dart file. After editing the communication interface regenerate the communication layer by running flutter pub run pigeon --input pigeons/android_webview.dart.

Besides pigeon this package also uses mockito to generate mock objects for testing purposes. To generate the mock objects run the following command:

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

If you would like to contribute to the plugin, check out our contribution guide.