getUserVariableName method

String getUserVariableName(
  1. User user

For internal use only. Implementation detail that may change anytime.

Returns the JavaScript variable name of the Talk.User object associated with the given User


String getUserVariableName(User user) {
  if (_users[] == null) {
    // Generate unique variable name
    final variableName = 'user${getUniqueId()}';

    _users[] = variableName;

    execute('let $variableName = new Talk.User(${user.getJsonString()});');

    _userObjs[] = User.of(user);
  } else if (_userObjs[] != user) {
    final variableName = _users[]!;

    execute('$variableName = new Talk.User(${user.getJsonString()});');

    _userObjs[] = User.of(user);

  return _users[]!;