
Advanced exception handling and logging for dart/flutter applications 🚀

Log your app actions, catch and handle your app exceptions and errors
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codecov Pub Star on Github License: MIT talker talker_flutter talker_logger

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How it works?

Here is the general scheme of the package and its main features

On All Platforms

Please add Windows and Linux screenshots😘

Get Started

Follow these steps to use this package

Add dependency

  talker: ^0.12.0

Easy to use

You can use Talker instance everywhere in your app
Simple and concise syntax will help you with this

final talker = Talker();
// Handle exceptions and errors
try {
  // your code...
} on Error catch (e, st) {
    talker.handleError(e, st, 'Error in ...');

// Log your app info
talker.log('App is started'),
talker.error('App is started'),
talker.waring('App is started'),

More examples you can get there or in docs


Configure the error handler and logger for yourself

final talker = Talker();
// Handle exceptions and errors
    /// Your own observers to handle errors's exception's and log's
    observers: [],
    settings: const TalkerSettings(
      maxHistoryItems: 1000,
      useHistory: true,
      useConsoleLogs: true,

More examples you can get there or in docs

Use Talker Flutter

Often you need to check what happening in the application when there is no console at hand. There is a talker_flutter package for this situations

Add dependency

  talker: ^0.12.0
  talker_flutter: ^0.12.0

Easy to use

Add this code at something place of your Flutter application where you want to display logs

final talker = Talker();
TalkerScreen(talker: talker)



For help getting started with 😍 Flutter, view online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

