stub top-level constant

String const stub

Get file's Raw Contents


const String stub = """
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'TwBuilder.dart';

/// Flutter Stack Builder Widget
/// to provide utilities in your Stack Widget

class TwStack extends TwWidgetBuilder<Widget> {


  List<Widget> _children;
  Clip _clipBehavior = Clip.none;
  AlignmentGeometry _alignment = AlignmentDirectional.topStart;
  TextDirection? _textDirection;
  StackFit _stackFit = StackFit.loose;

  /// AlignmentDirectional getter
  TwStack get alignTopStart => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.topStart;
  TwStack get alignTopCenter => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.topCenter;
  TwStack get alignTopEnd => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.topEnd;
  TwStack get alignCenterStart => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.centerStart;
  TwStack get alignCenter => this.._alignment =;
  TwStack get alignCenterEnd => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd;
  TwStack get alignBottomStart => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart;
  TwStack get alignBottomCenter => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.bottomCenter;
  TwStack get alignBottomEnd => this.._alignment = AlignmentDirectional.bottomEnd;

  /// StackFit
  TwStack get fitExpand => this.._stackFit = StackFit.expand;
  TwStack get fitLoose => this.._stackFit = StackFit.loose;
  TwStack get fitPassthrough => this.._stackFit = StackFit.passthrough;

  /// Clip Behavior
  TwStack get clipNone => this.._clipBehavior = Clip.none;
  TwStack get clipAntiAlias => this.._clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias;
  TwStack get clipHardEdge => this.._clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge;
  TwStack get clipAntiAliasWithSaveLayer => this.._clipBehavior = Clip.antiAliasWithSaveLayer;

  /// ============== RENDER STACK WIDGET ============== ///
  Widget render({Key? key}) {
    return Stack(
      key: key,
      children: _children,
      alignment: _alignment,
      clipBehavior: _clipBehavior,
      fit: _stackFit,
      textDirection: _textDirection,

extension StackExtensions on Stack {
  /// Extension method to directly access [TwStack]
  /// with any widget without wrapping or with dot operator.
  @Deprecated('This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future please use [isStack] instead.')
  TwStack get stack => TwStack.existing(children, alignment, clipBehavior, textDirection!, fit);

  TwStack get isStack => TwStack.existing(children, alignment, clipBehavior, textDirection!, fit);
