getDeviceModel static method

Future<String> getDeviceModel()


static Future<String> getDeviceModel() async {
  //Note: Taboola Android SDK runs a process on BuildConfig.Model before returning its value, will be simulated here.
  if (TextUtils.isEmptyOrNull(_model)) {
    if (dartIo.Platform.isAndroid) {
      TBLAndroidDevice androidDeviceInfo =
          await _deviceInfoPlugin.androidInfo;
      String? nativeModel = androidDeviceInfo.model;
      String? nativeManufacturer = androidDeviceInfo.manufacturer;
      Pattern pattern = RegExp(nativeManufacturer ??
          ''); // convert to non-null string and create pattern

      //Some devices start with
      if (nativeModel != null && nativeModel.startsWith(pattern)) {
        _model = TextUtils.capitalize(nativeModel);
      } else {
        _model =
            '${TextUtils.capitalize(nativeManufacturer ?? "")} $nativeModel';

      //Html escape value
      _model = HtmlEscape().convert(_model);

    //Note: iOS returns model only, as manufacturer is always Epel. .. .
    if (dartIo.Platform.isIOS) {
      TBLIosDevice iosDeviceInfo = await _deviceInfoPlugin.iosInfo;
      _model = iosDeviceInfo.model ?? "";

  return _model;