TableAdvancedController<T> constructor

  1. List<T>? items,
  2. int? rowsCountToPaginate,
  3. TableMode mode = TableMode.paginationScroll,
  4. void onCheckItems(
    1. List<T> items
  5. Future<List<T>?> onChangePage(
    1. int page,
    2. int pageSize
  6. int rowsToShow = 10,

Controller to manage content and properties of TableAdvanced.

Use the controller to set items to display in the table and eventually manage pagination and row checkboxes. You can use the onChangePage callback to load new data when the user changes table page or scolls to the bottom and then show the retrived items.

If the total number of items expected in the table is different from the items list lenght (i.e. in case of paginated API calls), you can specify rowsCountToPagination to manage pagination consequently. If not provided, the number of items to manage the pagination will be taken by the items list.


  int? rowsCountToPaginate,
  this.mode = TableMode.paginationScroll,
  this.rowsToShow = 10,
})  : assert(items != null || onChangePage != null),
      assert(items == null || mode != TableMode.plain) {
  this.rowsCountToPaginate = rowsCountToPaginate ?? items?.length ?? 0;

  if (mode == TableMode.plain) {
    rowsToShow = this.rowsCountToPaginate;

  pageCount = _evaluatePageCount(
      rowsToShow: rowsToShow, rowsCount: this.rowsCountToPaginate);
  setItems(items ?? []);

  if (mode != TableMode.plain) {