areRouteBasesDifferent function

bool areRouteBasesDifferent(
  1. List<RouteBase> routes1,
  2. List<RouteBase> routes2

Compares two lists of RouteBase to determine if they are different.

Args: routes1 (List

Returns: bool: True if the routes are different, False otherwise.


bool areRouteBasesDifferent(List<RouteBase> routes1, List<RouteBase> routes2) {
  // Check if the lengths of the route lists are different
  if (routes1.length != routes2.length) {
    return true;

  // Compare corresponding routes from both lists
  for (int index = 0; index < routes1.length; index++) {
    if (!_areRouteBasesEqual(routes1[index], routes2[index])) {
      return true;

  return false;