retry<T> function

Future<T> retry<T>({
  1. required Future<T> task(),
  2. int maxAttempts = 3,
  3. bool validate(
    1. T result
  4. Duration initialDelay = const Duration(seconds: 1),
  5. Duration? maxDelay,
  6. Duration? taskTimeout,

Retries a given asynchronous function task for a specified number of maxAttempts with an exponential backoff delay.

Parameters: task: The function to retry if it throws an exception or doesn't validate. maxAttempts: The maximum number of attempts before throwing an exception. Default is 3. validate: An optional function that checks if the returned value from task is valid. If this function returns false, the result is considered invalid and the task is retried. initialDelay: The initial delay before retrying. This delay is doubled after every failed attempt. Default is 1 second. maxDelay: The maximum delay between retries. If the exponential backoff delay exceeds this value, maxDelay is used instead. taskTimeout: The maximum duration to wait for task to complete. If the task doesn't complete within this time, a TimeoutException is thrown. If not set, the function waits indefinitely for the task.

Returns: A Future<T> representing the result of the function if successful.


  • TimeoutException if task doesn't complete within taskTimeout.
  • Exception if task doesn't validate or fails after maxAttempts.


Future<T> retry<T>({
  required Future<T> Function() task,
  int maxAttempts = 3,
  bool Function(T result)? validate,
  Duration initialDelay = const Duration(seconds: 1),
  Duration? maxDelay,
  Duration? taskTimeout,
}) async {
  for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++) {
    try {
      final T result = taskTimeout == null
          ? await task()
          : await task().timeout(taskTimeout);

      if (validate == null || validate(result)) return result;

      throw Exception('Validation failed for the result.');
    } on TimeoutException {
      if (attempt == maxAttempts - 1) {
        throw TimeoutException(
          'Task timed out after ${taskTimeout!.inSeconds} seconds.',
    } catch (e) {
      // if it's the last attempt, rethrow the exception
      if (attempt == maxAttempts - 1) rethrow;

      /// Calculate delay based on exponential backoff with factor of 2
      final backoffFactor = pow(2, attempt).round();

      Duration delay = Duration(
        milliseconds: (initialDelay.inMilliseconds * backoffFactor),

      /// Ensure the delay does not exceed the specified [maxDelay].
      if (maxDelay != null && delay > maxDelay) delay = maxDelay;

      await Future.delayed(delay); // wait before the next attempt

  throw Exception('Failed after $maxAttempts attempts.');