date.helper library


supportedLocales List<String>
Getter for supported locales.
no setter


convertMonthsToYearsAndMonths(int months) Map<String, int>
createDateFormatter(String locale, bool showTime, bool use24HourFormat) → DateFormat
Creates a date formatter based on the locale and preferences.
formatDateTime(DateTime dateTime, {bool use24HourFormat = false, String languageCode = 'en', bool showTime = true, String? countryCode}) Future<String>
Formats a DateTime object into a string.
formatTimestampInMilliseconds({required int timestamp, bool use24HourFormat = false, String languageCode = 'en', bool showTime = true, String? countryCode, bool isUtc = false}) Future<String>
Formats a timestamp in milliseconds since epoch into a date string.
retrieveDateFormatter({bool use24HourFormat = false, String languageCode = 'en', bool showTime = true, String? countryCode}) Future<DateFormat>
Retrieves a DateFormat object based on locale and preferences.