lightenColor function

Color lightenColor(
  1. Color color,
  2. double amount

Lightens a given color by a certain amount using the HSL color model.

The color parameter specifies the color to be lightened. The amount parameter specifies the amount of lightness to be applied to the color, where 0 means no lightness (i.e., the original color), and 1 means complete lightness (i.e., white). The amount parameter must be a value between 0 and 1.

Returns the lightened color as a Color object.


Color lightenColor(Color color, double amount) {
  // Make sure the amount is within the expected range
  assert(amount >= 0 && amount <= 1);

  // Convert the color to an HSLColor object
  final hslColor = HSLColor.fromColor(color);

  // Calculate the new lightness value by adding the amount to the current
  // lightness value
  final lightness = hslColor.lightness + amount;

  // Create a new HSLColor object with the new lightness value, clamped to a
  // range of 0.0 to 1.0
  final hslLight = hslColor.withLightness((lightness).clamp(0.0, 1.0));

  // Convert the new HSLColor back to a Color object and return it
  return hslLight.toColor();