formatPercentageForClipboard function
Formats a numeric value into a percentage string suitable for clipboard operations.
This function takes a num value (which could be null
) and returns it
as a formatted string appended with a percentage sign. The formatting
applied is based on the formatNumberForClipboard
function, which is
presumed to be defined elsewhere within the scope of this application.
Example usage:
var percentage = formatPercentageForClipboard(0.45);
print(percentage); // Output: '45%'
is the number to format. Accepts a nullable num
. If null,
returns '0' to signify zero. This ensures output validity.
is an optional parameter for non-integer numbers. It
sets the maximum decimal places, defaulting to 2. It's ignored for integers.
- Returns: A String representing the formatted percentage. If the value is null, a default string '0%' is returned to represent a zero value.
String formatPercentageForClipboard(num? value, {int maxFractionDigits = 2}) {
final rate = (value ?? 0) * 100;
final formattedRate = formatNumberForClipboard(rate);
return '$formattedRate%';