editGroupCallParticipant method

Future<Result<UpdatesBase>> editGroupCallParticipant({
  1. required InputGroupCallBase call,
  2. required InputPeerBase participant,
  3. required bool muted,
  4. int? volume,
  5. required bool raiseHand,
  6. required bool videoStopped,
  7. required bool videoPaused,
  8. required bool presentationPaused,

Edit Group Call Participant.

ID: a5273abf.


Future<Result<UpdatesBase>> editGroupCallParticipant({
  required InputGroupCallBase call,
  required InputPeerBase participant,
  required bool muted,
  int? volume,
  required bool raiseHand,
  required bool videoStopped,
  required bool videoPaused,
  required bool presentationPaused,
}) async {
  // Preparing the request.
  final request = PhoneEditGroupCallParticipant(
    call: call,
    participant: participant,
    muted: muted,
    volume: volume,
    raiseHand: raiseHand,
    videoStopped: videoStopped,
    videoPaused: videoPaused,
    presentationPaused: presentationPaused,

  // Invoke and wait for response.
  final response = await _c.invoke(request);

  // Return the result.
  return response._to<UpdatesBase>();