
pub package

A Flutter package to monitor system CPU and RAM usage using a WebSocket connection to a Python backend. This package works in conjunction with the system_monitor_cli package, which provides a command-line interface for managing the Python server.

Using system_monitor_cli

This package can be used in conjunction with the system_monitor_cli package, which provides a command-line interface for managing the Python server. For more details on how to use the CLI tool, please refer to the system_monitor_cli README.

Getting Started


Before using this package, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download Python from the official website:

You also need to install the following Python libraries:

  • psutil: A cross-platform library for accessing system details and process utilities.
  • websockets: A library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python.

Installing Python Libraries

Using pip

pip install psutil
pip install websockets

Using pip3 (for Python 3)

pip3 install psutil
pip3 install websockets


To use this package, add system_monitor as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  system_monitor: ^1.0.6


Import the package

import 'package:system_monitor/system_monitor.dart';

Initialize the monitor

Before using the package, you need to initialize the monitor by creating an instance of SystemMonitor and calling its init() method:

SystemMonitor monitor = SystemMonitor.instance;
await monitor.init();

Get RAM Usage

To get the current RAM usage in GB, you can call the getRamUsage() method:

SystemMonitor monitor = SystemMonitor.instance;
double ramUsage = await monitor.getRamUsage();
print('RAM Usage: $ramUsage GB');

Get CPU Usage

To get the current CPU usage in percentage, you can call the getCpuUsage() method:

SystemMonitor monitor = SystemMonitor.instance;
double cpuUsage = await monitor.getCpuUsage();
print('CPU Usage: $cpuUsage%');

Realtime Monitoring

You can also start realtime monitoring of CPU and RAM usage using the startRealtimeMonitoring() method:

SystemMonitor monitor = SystemMonitor.instance;
StreamSubscription<Map<String, double>> subscription = monitor.startRealtimeMonitoring().listen((data) {
  double ramUsage = data['ram'];
  double cpuUsage = data['cpu'];
  print('Realtime RAM Usage: $ramUsage GB, CPU Usage: $cpuUsage%');

Don't forget to cancel the subscription when you no longer need realtime monitoring:


Closing the Connection

When you are done using the monitor, make sure to close the connection to the Python backend:

SystemMonitor monitor = SystemMonitor.instance;


For a complete example, check out the example folder in this repository.


This package is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

