System Information

/* <!-- START LICENSE -->

This Software / Program / Source Code Created By Developer From Company GLOBAL CORPORATION
Social Media:

   - Youtube: 
   - Github:

All code script in here created 100% original without copy / steal from other code if we copy we add description source at from top code

If you wan't edit you must add credit me (don't change)

If this Software / Program / Source Code has you

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Misal anda beli Beli source code di Slebew CORPORATION anda lapor dahulu di slebew jangan lapor di GLOBAL CORPORATION!

Jika ada kendala program ini (Pastikan sebelum deal project tidak ada negosiasi harga)
Karena jika ada negosiasi harga kemungkinan

1. Software Ada yang di kurangin
2. Informasi tidak lengkap
3. Bantuan Tidak Bisa remote / full time (Ada jeda)

Sebelum program ini sampai ke pembeli developer kami sudah melakukan testing

jadi sebelum nego kami sudah melakukan berbagai konsekuensi jika nego tidak sesuai ? 
Bukan maksud kami menipu itu karena harga yang sudah di kalkulasi + bantuan tiba tiba di potong akhirnya bantuan / software kadang tidak lengkap

<!-- END LICENSE --> */
import 'package:system_information/system_information.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {
  final SystemInformation systemInformation = SystemInformation();
  await systemInformation.ensureInitialized(
    isUseStatic: true, 

Drm id

persistant device drm id

  /// if you want get drm or unique id persistant or same
  /// event app hash uninstalled or device reboot use this method
  /// i don't add in method or toMessage or toJson
  /// because this method is privacy or not everyone can show
  /// becasue this library has design to cross platform
  /// and i use this in bot so if you want get device drm
  /// copy code bellow
  final drmPersistantData = await systemInformation.getDeviceDrmId();

  /// persistant data only work on android and ios
  /// on ios i not tested but if you want
  /// you can help me donate for me buy the ios devices and macbook
  /// so i can bring more feature to apple devices
  /// if you cange org or example
  /// com.example.example
  /// to
  /// this drm will change
  /// but if you change to com.example.example
  /// again your drm will same
  /// sorry my english is bad
Title: MSI-Modern-14-B5M
Os: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Platform Type: Linux
Executable Type: cli
Arch: x86_64
Host: Modern 14 B5M REV:1.0 MS-14DL
Device Name: Modern 14 B5M REV:1.0 MS-14DL
Kernel: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic x86_64
Uptime Program: just now
Uptime: up 5 hours, 26 minutes
Shell: zsh 5.9
Cpu: AMD Ryzen 5 5500U with Radeon Graphics (12)
Gpu: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Lucienne
Network: MEDIATEK Corp. MT7921K (RZ608) Wi-Fi 6E 80MHz
Disk: Kingston Technology Company, Inc. OM8PCP Design-In PCIe 3 NVMe SSD (DRAM-less)
Power: 78% Charging
Ram Total: 15 GB
Ram Free: 1 GB
Ram Available: 8 GB
Swap Total: 7 GB
Swap Free: 7 GB
Swap Cache: 28 KB
Total Bandwith Download: 131.85 MB
Total Bandwith Upload: 138.43 MB
Total Bandwith: 270.28 MB
Ram Usage By This Program: 62 MB

Global Corporation

Welcome to Global Corporation profile!  

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Global Corporation Is a leading company that takes a leading role in accelerating and maintaining enterprise security.

With a sharp focus on innovation and technological excellence

Global Corporation providing effective proactive solutions to secure company operations and prevent potential adverse risks.

With a committed team of experts, advanced technology, and a holistic approach to corporate security, Global Corporation has become a benchmark for other companies that prioritize security and safety as a top priority in their business.

Application / Product / Project Official

Global App

Super Cross-platform application allows you to do social media / chat as well as a place for buying and selling businesses to find work

Global Bot App

Super cross-platform application allows you to handle lots of bots / userbots / AI for your assistants, making it easier for you in all your affairs

Global Studio Developer

The cross-platform Studio Developer application allows you to code on various platforms

Ads Gateway

Applikasi Cross platform advertising allows you to advertise on various platforms easily


Applikasi Linux based operating system which will be released


Applikasi Cross Platform Wallet allows you to store money on the internet safely

Global Bot Telegram

Super Bot Telegram allows you to manage various chat groups / private / channels as well as a place to buy and sell the products we sell, you can buy this service from IDR: 25k / bulan $: 1,5 Dollar

Global Userbot Telegram

Super Bot Telegram allows you to manage various chat groups / private / channels as well as a place to buy and sell the products we sell, you can buy this service from IDR: 25k / bulan $: 1,5 Dollar

Global Bot Whatsapp

Super Bot Telegram allows you to manage various chat groups / private / channels as well as a place to buy and sell the products we sell, you can buy this service from IDR: 25k / bulan $: 1,5 Dollar

Social Media


  1. Group Developer Global Public

Product / Services

  1. Clone Bot / Userbot Hi, do you want to have a bot / userbot with lots of features?.
  • Features:
    • Repeat Message
    • Manage Chat Private / Channel / Group
  • Platform Support:
    • Telegram
    • Whatsapp
    • Twitter
    • Github
    • Google
  1. Products
    • Black Products
    • Group / Channel
    • Nsfw
    • Payment Gateway
    • Paid Promote
    • Pre Release / Beta
    • Promo Cheap
    • Source Code Bot / USerbot
    • Trade
  2. Services
    • Developer
    • Goal
    • Partner
    • Promote
    • Recommendation
    • Sortcut Cheat Sheet
    • Terminate
    • Upgrade

How To Buy Services Or Products | Cara Beli Jasa Atau Products

  • Via Telegram Bot

    • Englisth

      If you want to buy, you can use Telegram to automatically process the payment (if the long process is not a SCAM!! it's possible that the server is down so the process could take longer. If in doubt, tap the report menu then fill in a complaint)

      • Open Bot:
      • Fill in personal data / subscribe to the channel
      • Tap Main menu select services / products
      • Select Products / Services
      • Make sure there are enough coins
      • Fill in the required data
    • Indonesia

      Jika kamu ingin membeli bisa lewat telegram automatis pembayaran hingga proses (jika proses lama itu bukan SCAM !! kemungkinan server down jadi proses bisa lebih lama jika ragu tap menu report lalu isi keluhan)

      • Buka Bot:
      • Isi data pribadi / subscribe channel
      • Tap Main menu pilih services / products
      • Pilih Product / Services
      • Pastikan coin mencukupi
      • Isi data yang di butuhkan
  • Via Telegram USER

Video Tutorial Watch the video

  • Lewat App

    • English

      If you want to see a product/service with a full demo, you can buy it via the app

    • Indonesia

      jika kamu ingin melihat product / jasa dengan full demo kamu bisa beli lewat app

📺 Latest YouTube Videos

Userbot LIFE TIME Subsription Telegram Murah Unlimited Akun Ultra FAST | Global Corporation Tolong 😭 Siapapun beli satu jasa aku ntr aku kasih harga seiklasnya / ada yang mau donasi | GLOBAL Cara beli ai telegram versi bot dan cara pakai| Global Corporation Ai Userbot Telegram Demo Cara Pakai Dan Beli | Global Corporation CARA BELI USERBOT TELEGRAM CLOUD  | Global Corporation Cara Top Up Automatis Menggunakan Payment Gateway Di GLOBAL BOT APP

# system_information