A flutter hook for system_date_time_format plugin

Pub Package Build Status Code Coverage MIT License Android support ✓ iOS support ✓ macOS support ✓ windows support ✓ linux support ✓ web support ✓

Why system_date_time_format_hook?

Flutter does not support retrieving date and time format patterns based on the user's system settings out of the box. That's why system_date_time_format plugin was created.

However, if you already know and use flutter_hooks in your project you can use system_date_time_format_hook to get date and time format patterns for consistent formatting in your Flutter app with ease:


import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
import 'package:system_date_time_format_hook/system_date_time_format_hook.dart';

class App extends HookWidget {
  const App({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final patterns = useSystemDateTimeFormat();

    final datePattern = patterns.datePattern;
    final mediumDatePattern = patterns.mediumDatePattern; // Not on Windows & Linux
    final longDatePattern = patterns.longDatePattern;
    final fullDatePattern = patterns.fullDatePattern;     // Not on Windows & Linux
    final timePattern = patterns.timePattern;

    print(datePattern);       // e.g. "M/d/yy"
    print(mediumDatePattern); // e.g. "MMM d,y"
    print(longDatePattern);   // e.g. "MMMM d,y"
    print(fullDatePattern);   // e.g. "EEEE, MMMM d, y"
    print(timePattern);       // e.g. "HH:mm"

    return const MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(),


system_date_time_format_hook will automatically sync date & time format patterns even if user changes them in the device system settings while your app is running.


In order to use this plugin on web app you need to add system_date_time_format.js script to your index.html:



<!DOCTYPE html>