callbackDispatcher function

void callbackDispatcher()


void callbackDispatcher() {
  // 1. Initialize MethodChannel used to communicate with the platform portion of the plugin
  const MethodChannel _backgroundChannel = const MethodChannel(Constants.BACKGROUND_CHANNEL);
  // 2. Setup internal state needed for MethodChannels.

  // 3. Listen for background events from the platform portion of the plugin.
  _backgroundChannel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
    final args = call.arguments;
    // 3.1. Retrieve callback instance for handle.
    final Function callback = PluginUtilities.getCallbackFromHandle(CallbackHandle.fromRawHandle(args[0]))!;
    assert(callback != null);
    final type = args[1];
    if (type == "onClick") {
      final tag = args[2];
      // 3.2. Invoke callback.