getTileImage method

Future<Uint8List?> getTileImage(
  1. int pageNumber,
  2. double scale,
  3. double x,
  4. double y,
  5. double width,
  6. double height,
  7. String documentID,

Gets the image's bytes information of the specified portion of the page.


Future<Uint8List?> getTileImage(int pageNumber, double scale, double x,
    double y, double width, double height, String documentID) async {
  if (_documentRepo[documentID] != null) {
    PdfJsPage page =
        await (_documentRepo[documentID]!.getPage(pageNumber)).toDart;
    PdfJsViewport viewport = page.getViewport(_settings);
    return _renderPageTile(page, viewport, scale, x, y, width, height);
  return Uint8List.fromList(<int>[0]);