SfLocalizationsZhHantTw class

The translations for Chinese, as used in Taiwan, using the Han script (zh_Hant_TW).



SfLocalizationsZhHantTw({String localeName = 'zh_Hant_TW'})
Creating an argument constructor of SfLocalizationsZhHantTw class


afterDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for After option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
afterOrEqualDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for After Or Equal option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
allDayLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar schedule view of the all day appointment
no setterinherited
allowedViewDayLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar day view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewMonthLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar month view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewScheduleLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar schedule view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewTimelineDayLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar timeline day view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewTimelineMonthLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar timeline month view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewTimelineWeekLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar timeline week view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewTimelineWorkWeekLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar timeline work view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewWeekLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar week view.
no setterinherited
allowedViewWorkWeekLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when allowed views have calendar work week view.
no setterinherited
andDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for And option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
beforeDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Before option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
beforeOrEqualDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Before Or Equal option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
beginsWithDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Begins With option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
cancelDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Cancel option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
clearFilterDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Clear Filter text in Clear Filter From option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
containsDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Contains option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
dateFiltersDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Date Filters option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
daySpanCountLabel String
A label that is shown on a spanned appointment. This label will be displayed on appointment views for all-day, month agenda view and schedule view.
no setterinherited
dhualhiLabel String
The header string for the twelfth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
dhualqiLabel String
The header string for the eleventh month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
doesNotBeginWithDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Does Not Begin With option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
doesNotContainDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Does Not Contain option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
doesNotEndWithDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Does Not End With option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
doesNotEqualDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Does Not Equal option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
emptyDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Empty option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
endsWithDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Ends With option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
equalsDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Equals option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
fromDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for From text in Clear Filter From option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
greaterThanDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Greater Than option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
greaterThanOrEqualDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Greater Than Or Equal option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
jumada1Label String
The header string for the fifth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
jumada2Label String
The header string for the sixth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
lessThanDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Less Than option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
lessThanOrEqualDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Less Than Or Equal option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
muharramLabel String
The header string for the first month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
noEventsCalendarLabel String
Label that is displayed when there are no events for a selected date in a calendar widget. This label is displayed when there are no events on today date and display date in schedule view and displayed under agenda section in month view.
no setterinherited
noMatchesDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for No matches option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
noSelectedDateCalendarLabel String
Label that is displayed when no date is selected in a calendar widget. This label is displayed under agenda section in month view.
no setterinherited
notEmptyDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Not Empty option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
notNullDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Not Null option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
nullDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Null option in drop down widget.
no setterinherited
numberFiltersDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Number Filters option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
ofDataPagerLabel String
Label that is displayed in the information panel of DataPager to represent the currently selected page in number of pages.
no setterinherited
okDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for OK option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
orDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Or option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
pagesDataPagerLabel String
Label that is displayed in the information panel of DataPager to represent the currently selected page in number of pages.
no setterinherited
passwordDialogContentLabel String
Label that is displayed in the password dialog in PdfViewer
no setterinherited
passwordDialogHeaderTextLabel String
Label that is displayed in the header of password dialog in PdfViewer
no setterinherited
passwordDialogHintTextLabel String
Label that is displayed in the text field of password dialog in the PdfViewer.
no setterinherited
passwordDialogInvalidPasswordLabel String
Label that is displayed in the password dialog of PdfViewer when an invalid password is entered in the text field.
no setterinherited
pdfBookmarksLabel String
Label that is displayed in the bookmark view header of PdfViewer.
no setterinherited
pdfEnterPageNumberLabel String
Label that is displayed in the text field of pagination dialog in the PdfViewer.
no setterinherited
pdfGoToPageLabel String
Label that is displayed in the pagination dialog header of PdfViewer
no setterinherited
pdfHyperlinkContentLabel String
Label that is displayed in the url of the hyperlink.
no setterinherited
pdfHyperlinkDialogCancelLabel String
Label that is displayed in the hyperlink dialog of PdfViewer to represent the CANCEL confirmation button.
no setterinherited
pdfHyperlinkDialogOpenLabel String
Label that is displayed in the hyperlink dialog of PdfViewer to represent the OPEN confirmation button.
no setterinherited
pdfHyperlinkLabel String
Label that is displayed in the hyperlink dialog header of PdfViewer.
no setterinherited
pdfInvalidPageNumberLabel String
Label that is displayed in the pagination dialog of PdfViewer when an invalid number is entered in the text field.
no setterinherited
pdfNoBookmarksLabel String
Label that is displayed in the bookmark view of PdfViewer when there is no bookmark found in loaded PDF document.
no setterinherited
pdfPaginationDialogCancelLabel String
Label that is displayed in the pagination dialog of PdfViewer to represent the CANCEL confirmation button.
no setterinherited
pdfPaginationDialogOkLabel String
Label that is displayed in the pagination dialog of PdfViewer to represent the OK confirmation button.
no setterinherited
pdfPasswordDialogCancelLabel String
Label that is displayed in the password dialog of PdfViewer to represent the CANCEL confirmation button.
no setterinherited
pdfPasswordDialogOpenLabel String
Label that is displayed in the password dialog of PdfViewer to represent the OPEN confirmation button.
no setterinherited
pdfScrollStatusOfLabel String
Label that represents the of word in the scroll status of PdfViewer.
no setterinherited
pdfSignaturePadDialogClearLabel String
Label that is displayed in the signature pad dialog of PdfViewer to represent the CLEAR confirmation button.
no setterinherited
pdfSignaturePadDialogHeaderTextLabel String
Label that is displayed in the header of signature pad dialog in PdfViewer
no setterinherited
pdfSignaturePadDialogPenColorLabel String
Label that is displayed in the signature pad dialog in PdfViewer to represent the Pen Color text
no setterinherited
pdfSignaturePadDialogSaveLabel String
Label that is displayed in the signature pad dialog of PdfViewer to represent the SAVE confirmation button.
no setterinherited
rabi1Label String
The header string for the third month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
rabi2Label String
The header string for the fourth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
rajabLabel String
The header string for the seventh month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
ramadanLabel String
The header string for the ninth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
rowsPerPageDataPagerLabel String
Label that is displayed the rowsPerPages of datapager.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
safarLabel String
The header string for the second month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
searchDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Search option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
selectAllDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Select All option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
series String
The label is displayed as the text for the legend in the cartesian chart. When the name of the series is not specified, then this label with the series count is displayed as a legend.
no setterinherited
shaabanLabel String
The header string for the eight month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shawwalLabel String
The header string for the tenth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortDhualhiLabel String
The header string for the twelfth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortDhualqiLabel String
The header string for the eleventh month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortJumada1Label String
The header string for the fifth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortJumada2Label String
The header string for the sixth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortMuharramLabel String
The header string for the first month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortRabi1Label String
The header string for the third month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortRabi2Label String
The header string for the fourth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortRajabLabel String
The header string for the seventh month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortRamadanLabel String
The header string for the ninth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortSafarLabel String
The header string for the second month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortShaabanLabel String
The header string for the eight month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
shortShawwalLabel String
The header string for the tenth month of hirji calendar
no setterinherited
showRowsWhereDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Show rows where option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
sortAndFilterDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Sort and Filter option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
sortAToZDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Sort A to Z option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
sortLargestToSmallestDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Sort Largest to Smallest option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
sortNewestToOldestDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Sort Newest to Oldest option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
sortOldestToNewestDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Sort Oldest to Newest option in the popup menu..
no setterinherited
sortSmallestToLargestDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Sort Smallest to Largest option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
sortZToADataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Sort Z to A option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
textFiltersDataGridFilteringLabel String
The label that is displayed in the filter view in SfDataGrid for Text Filters option in the popup menu.
no setterinherited
todayLabel String
Label that is displayed in the calendar header view when calendar shows date picker on header interaction.
no setterinherited
weeknumberLabel String
Label that is displayed prefix to week number.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.