errorBoxTitle property

String errorBoxTitle
getter/setter pair

Gets or sets the errorBoxTitle.

//Creating one worksheet and accessing the first sheet
final Workbook workbook = Workbook(1);
final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];

//Accessing the first cell in excel-sheet and applying the textLength with Between property
final DataValidation textLengthValidation =

//sets the allowType
textLengthValidation.allowType = ExcelDataValidationType.textLength;

//sets the comparisonOperator
textLengthValidation.comparisonOperator =

//sets the first formula
textLengthValidation.firstFormula = '1';

//sets the second formula
textLengthValidation.secondFormula = '5';

//sets the errorbox text
textLengthValidation.errorBoxText =
    'Text length should be between 1 and 5';

//sets the errorbox title
textLengthValidation.errorBoxTitle = 'ERROR';

//sets the promptBox title
textLengthValidation.promptBoxTitle = 'TextLength';

//sets the showErrorBox

//sets the promptbox text
textLengthValidation.promptBoxText = 'Data validation for text length';

//sets the promptBoxVisibility
textLengthValidation.showPromptBox = true;

//sets the errorStyle
textLengthValidation.errorStyle = ExcelDataValidationErrorStyle.warning;

//Save and dispose Workbook
final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();
saveAsExcel(bytes, 'ExceltextLengthValidationbetween.xlsx');


late String errorBoxTitle;