operator property

  1. @override
ConditionalFormatOperator get operator

Returns or sets one of the constants of the ConditionalFormatOperator enumeration, which specifes if the threshold is "greater than" or "greater than or equal to" the threshold value.



/// Returns or sets one of the constants of the ConditionalFormatOperator enumeration,
/// which specifes if the threshold is "greater than" or "greater than or equal to" the threshold value.
ConditionalFormatOperator get operator {
    return wrapped.operator;
  1. @override
set operator (ConditionalFormatOperator value)

Gets or sets the operator for the threshold values in the conditional format.

By default ConditionValue.operator is set to ConditionalFormatOperator.greaterThanorEqualTo and it can be changed to <see ConditionalFormatOperator.greaterThan. In our example, we change the ConditionValue.operator to ConditionalFormatOperator.GreaterThan.

// Create a new Excel Document.
final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
// Accessing sheet via index.
final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];

sheet.getRangeByName('A1').number = 125;
sheet.getRangeByName('A2').number = 279;
sheet.getRangeByName('A3').number = 42;
sheet.getRangeByName('A4').number = 384;
sheet.getRangeByName('A5').number = 129;
sheet.getRangeByName('A6').number = 212;
sheet.getRangeByName('A7').number = 131;
sheet.getRangeByName('A8').number = 230;

//Create iconset for the data in specified range.
final ConditionalFormats conditionalFormats =
final ConditionalFormat conditionalFormat =

//Set FormatType as IconSet.
conditionalFormat.formatType = ExcelCFType.iconSet;
final IconSet iconSet = conditionalFormat.iconSet;

//Set conditions for IconCriteria.
//Set icon set.
iconSet.iconSet = ExcelIconSetType.threeSymbols;
// Set Type and Value.
iconSet.iconCriteria[1].type = ConditionValueType.percentile;
iconSet.iconCriteria[1].value = "20";
// set operators
iconSet.iconCriteria[1].operator = ConditionalFormatOperator.greaterThan;
iconSet.iconCriteria[2].type = ConditionValueType.percentile;
iconSet.iconCriteria[2].value = "70";
// set operators
iconSet.iconCriteria[2].operator = ConditionalFormatOperator.greaterThan;

final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

Similar to IconSets, DataBars also have ConditionValue.operator property set to ConditionalFormatOperator.greaterThanorEqualTo by default which can be changed to ConditionalFormatOperator.greaterThan

// Create a new Excel Document.
final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
// Accessing sheet via index.
final Worksheet sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];

sheet.getRangeByName('A1').number = 125;
sheet.getRangeByName('A2').number = 279;
sheet.getRangeByName('A3').number = 42;
sheet.getRangeByName('A4').number = 384;
sheet.getRangeByName('A5').number = 129;
sheet.getRangeByName('A6').number = 212;
sheet.getRangeByName('A7').number = 131;
sheet.getRangeByName('A8').number = 230;

//Create dataBar for the data in specified range.
final ConditionalFormats conditionalFormats =
final ConditionalFormat conditionalFormat =

//Set conditions.
conditionalFormat.formatType = ExcelCFType.dataBar;
final DataBar dataBar = conditionalFormat.dataBar;

//Set the type and value.
dataBar.minPoint.type = ConditionValueType.percent;
dataBar.minPoint.value ='30';

//Set color for DataBar
dataBar.barColor = '#FF7C80';

//Hide the data bar values
dataBar.showValue = false;

final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

To set the operator for ColorScale refer ColorConditionValue.operator property.


set operator(ConditionalFormatOperator value) {
  wrapped.operator = value;