pullUpdatedValue method
This method retrieves the value in the requested cell reference using fresh computations for any cells that affect the value of the requested cell.
String pullUpdatedValue(String cellRef) {
bool isUseFormulaValueChanged = false;
_inAPull = true;
_multiTick = false;
final Worksheet? grd = _grid;
final String saveCell = _cell;
final String s = cellRef.toUpperCase();
String txt = '';
if (!_dependentFormulaCells!.containsKey(s) &&
!_formulaInfoTable!.containsKey(s)) {
txt = _getValueFromParentObject(s, true);
if (_useFormulaValues) {
isUseFormulaValueChanged = true;
_useFormulaValues = false;
_useFormulaValues = isUseFormulaValueChanged;
final bool saveIVC = _ignoreValueChanged;
_ignoreValueChanged = true;
final int row = _getRowIndex(s);
final int col = _getColIndex(s);
_grid!.setValueRowCol(txt, row, col);
_ignoreValueChanged = saveIVC;
_grid = grd;
_cell = saveCell;
_inAPull = false;
return txt;