xlsio library
- AboveBelowAverage
- Represents the above or below conditional formatting rule. Applying this rule to a range helps you highlight the cells which contain values above or below the average of selected range.
- AutoFilter
- AutoFilter class
- AutoFilterCollection
- Represents an AutoFilter collections
- AutoFilterCondition
- Represents AutoFilter conditions class
- Border
- Represent cell individual border.
- Borders
- Represents cell borders
- BordersCollection
- Represents cell borders
- BordersCollectionWrapper
- Represents cell borders
- CalcEngine
- CalcEngine encapsulates the code required to parse and compute formulas.
- CellBorder
- Represent cell individual border.
- CellBorderWrapper
- Represent wrapper class for cell individual border.
- CellStyle
- Represent the Cell style class.
- CellStyleWrapper
- Represent the Cell Style Wrapper class.
- ChartHelper
- Base class for charts
- ColorConditionValue
- Represents condition value for colorset condition.
- ColorScale
- Represents a color scale conditional formatting rule.
- Column
- Represents the colunm class.
- ColumnCollection
- Reprsents the colunm collection.
- ConditionalFormat
- Represents a conditional format.
- ConditionalFormats
- Represents a collection of conditional formats.
- ConditionValue
- Represents implementation of single condition value for iconset, databar, colorscale conditions.
- CultureInfo
- Represent the Culture Info class.
- DataBar
- Represents a data bar conditional formatting rule. Applying a data bar to a range helps you see the value of a cell relative to other cells.
- DataValidation
- Represents data validation for a worksheet range.
- DateTimeFormatInfo
- Represents the Date Time Format Info class.
- ExcelDataCell
- Represents the data cell for importing data.
- ExcelDataRow
- Represents the data cell for importing data.
- ExcelSheetProtectionOption
- Represents worksheet protection options.
- ExcelTable
- Represents a Table in a Worksheet.
- ExcelTableCollection
- Represents collections of tables in a worksheet.
- ExcelTableColumn
- Represents a column in the table.
- Font
- Represents cell font.
- FormatsCollection
- FormulaInfo
- FormulaInfo maintains information on a single formula object.
- Hyperlink
- Represent the Hyperlink object.
- HyperlinkCollection
- Represents Worksheet Hyperlink collection.
- IconConditionValue
- Represents a condition value for IconSet conditions.
- IconSet
- Represents a set of icons that are used in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
- MergeCell
- Represents merged cell.
- MergedCellCollection
- Represents merged cell collection class.
- Name
- Represents collections of pagesetup in a worksheet.
- Names
- Represents the named range collection class.
- NumberFormatInfo
- Represents the Number Format Info class.
- PageSetup
- Represents a class contains page setup settings.
- Picture
- Represent the Excel image.
- PicturesCollection
- Represents worksheet collection.
- Range
- Represent the Range
- RangeCollection
- Represents the worksheet rows.
- Row
- Represents the worksheet row.
- RowCollection
- Represents the worksheet rows.
- SerializeWorkbook
- Represent the workbook serialize.
- SheetFamilyItem
- Encapsulates the properties that are needed to support multiple families of crossed-referenced grids.
- Stack
- Represent stack class.
- Style
- Represents the Style class.
- StylesCollection
- Represents styles collection.
- TextInfo
- Represents the Text info class.
- TopBottom
- Represents the top or bottom conditional formatting rule. Applying this rule to a range helps you highlight the top or bottom ānā cells from the selected range.
- Workbook
- Represents an Excel Workbook.
- Worksheet
- Represents a worksheet in a workbook.
- WorksheetCollection
- Represents worksheet collection.
- BuiltInStyles
- Represents the Built in Styles.
- CellErrorPrintOptions
- Enumeration of Replace Error Values when printing in Excel.
- CellType
- Specifies the excel cell types.
- CFTimePeriods
- Specifies the time periods for date time conditional formatting in Excel.
- ConditionalFormatOperator
- Specifies the type of conditions that can be used for Icon sets
- ConditionValueType
- Specifies the types of condition values.
- DataBarAxisPosition
- Specifies the axis position for a range of cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
- DataBarDirection
- Defines the directions of data bar in conditional formatting.
- DateTimeFilterType
- Represents grouping type applied for DateTime filter.
- DynamicFilterType
- Represents the dynamic filter type.
- ExcelCFAverageType
- Specifies whether the AboveBelowAverage conditional formatting rule looks for cell values above or below the average.
- ExcelCFTopBottomType
- Specifies whether the TopBottom conditional formatting rule looks for ranking from the top or bottom.
- ExcelCFType
- Specifies whether the conditional format is based on a cell value or an expression.
- ExcelColorFilterType
- Represents the color filter type.
- ExcelComparisonOperator
- Specifies the comparison operator for conditional formatting in Excel.
- ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator
- Specifies comparison operators for data validation.
- ExcelDataValidationErrorStyle
- Represents possible error style values.
- ExcelDataValidationType
- Specifies the type of validation test to be performed in conjunction with values.
- ExcelFilterCondition
- Possible conditions in autofilter.
- ExcelFormatType
- Possible format types.
- ExcelHyperlinkAttachedType
- Specify the hyperlink attached object name.
- ExcelIconSetType
- Specifies the type of icon set.
- ExcelInsertOptions
- Represents a possible insert options in Excel.
- ExcelLogicalOperator
- Represents the logical operators filters.
- ExcelPageOrder
- Enumeration of page order for sheet in Excel.
- ExcelPageOrientation
- Enumeration of page orientation types in Excel.
- ExcelPaperSize
- Enumeration of paper size types in Excel.
- ExcelSheetProtection
- Represents sheet protection flags enums.
- ExcelTableBuiltInStyle
- Represents Excel table styles which are built-in.
- ExcelTableTotalFormula
- Represents a function used for total calculation.
- HAlignType
- Specifies the horizontal alignment options for cell formatting.
- HyperlinkType
- Possible types of hyperlinks.
- LineStyle
- Specifies the line style for the cell border.
- VAlignType
- Specifies the vertical alignment options for cell formatting.
- WorksheetVisibility
- Represents visible/hidden of worksheets.