treemap library
Syncfusion Flutter Treemap library for creating interactive treemap to visualize flat and hierarchical data as rectangles that are sized and colored based on quantitative variables using squarified, slice, and dice algorithms.
To use, import package:syncfusion_flutter_treemap/treemap.dart
See also:
- SfTreemap
- A data visualization widget that provides an effective way to visualize flat and hierarchical data as rectangles that are sized and colored based on quantitative variables.
- TreemapBreadcrumbs
- Treemap breadcrumb class.
- TreemapColorMapper
- Collection of TreemapColorMapper which specifies tile’s color based on the data.
- TreemapLegend
- Shows legend for the data rendered in the treemap.
- TreemapLevel
- The levels collection which forms either flat or hierarchal treemap.
- TreemapSelectionSettings
- Customized the appearance of the tiles in selection state.
- TreemapTile
- Contains information about the treemap tile.
- TreemapTooltipSettings
- Customizes the appearance of the tooltip.
- TreemapBreadcrumbPosition
- Positions the breadcrumb in the different directions.
- TreemapIconType
- Shapes of the legend's and marker's icon.
- TreemapLabelOverflow
- Behavior of the labels when it overflowed from the shape.
- TreemapLayoutDirection
- Positions the tiles in the different corners.
- TreemapLegendEdgeLabelsPlacement
- Placement of edge labels in the bar legend.
- TreemapLegendLabelsPlacement
- Option to place the labels either between the bars or on the bar in bar legend.
- TreemapLegendOverflowMode
- Behavior of the legend items when it overflows.
- TreemapLegendPaintingStyle
- Applies gradient or solid color for the bar segments.
- TreemapLegendPosition
- Positions the legend in the different directions.
- IndexedDoubleValueMapper = double Function(int index)
- Signature to return the double values from the data source based on the index.
- IndexedStringValueMapper = String? Function(int index)
- Signature to return the string values from the data source based on the index.
- TreemapBreadcrumbBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, TreemapTile tile, bool isCurrent)
- Signature to return a widget based on the given tile.
- TreemapLegendPointerBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, dynamic value)
- Signature to return a Widget for the given value.
- TreemapTileColorValueMapper = dynamic Function(TreemapTile tile)
- Signature to return the colors or other types from the data source based on the tile based on which colors will be applied.
- TreemapTileWidgetBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, TreemapTile tile)
- Signature to return a widget based on the given tile.