topTemplate property

bool topTemplate
getter/setter pair

Gets or sets value indicating whether parent top page template should be used or not.

//Create a new PDF documentation
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a new PDF section
PdfSection section = document.sections!.add();
//Create a section template
PdfSectionTemplate template = PdfSectionTemplate()..topTemplate = false;
//Sets the template for the page in the section
section.template = template;
//Create a new PDF page and draw the text
    'Hello World!!!', PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.helvetica, 27),
    brush: PdfBrushes.darkBlue, bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(170, 100, 0, 0));
//Save the document.
List<int> bytes = await;
//Dispose the document.


late bool topTemplate;