PdfPopupAnnotation constructor

  1. Rect bounds,
  2. String text, {
  3. bool? open,
  4. String? author,
  5. PdfColor? color,
  6. String? subject,
  7. double? opacity,
  8. DateTime? modifiedDate,
  9. PdfPopupIcon? icon,
  10. List<PdfAnnotationFlags>? flags,
  11. bool? setAppearance,

Initializes a instance of the PdfPopupAnnotation class specified with bounds, text, open, color, author, subject, opacity, icon, modifiedDate, and flags.

final PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
final PdfPage page = document.pages.add();
final PdfPopupAnnotation popup =
    PdfPopupAnnotation(Rect.fromLTWH(10, 10, 30, 30), 'Popup Annotation');
final List<int> bytes = await document.save();


PdfPopupAnnotation(Rect bounds, String text,
    {bool? open,
    String? author,
    PdfColor? color,
    String? subject,
    double? opacity,
    DateTime? modifiedDate,
    PdfPopupIcon? icon,
    List<PdfAnnotationFlags>? flags,
    bool? setAppearance}) {
  _helper = PdfPopupAnnotationHelper(this, bounds, text, open, author, color,
      subject, opacity, modifiedDate, icon, flags, setAppearance);