updateRenderObject method

  1. @override
void updateRenderObject(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. covariant RenderMarkerPointer renderObject

Copies the configuration described by this RenderObjectWidget to the given RenderObject, which will be of the same type as returned by this object's createRenderObject.

This method should not do anything to update the children of the render object. That should instead be handled by the method that overrides RenderObjectElement.update in the object rendered by this object's createElement method. See, for example, SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update.


void updateRenderObject(
    BuildContext context, RenderMarkerPointer renderObject) {
  final SfGaugeThemeData gaugeTheme = SfGaugeTheme.of(context)!;
  final RadialAxisScope radialAxisScope = RadialAxisScope.of(context);
  final RadialAxisInheritedWidget ancestor = context
  MarkerPointerRenderer? markerPointerRenderer;
  if (onCreatePointerRenderer != null) {
    markerPointerRenderer = onCreatePointerRenderer!();
    markerPointerRenderer.pointer = this;

    ..enableDragging = enableDragging
    ..onValueChanged = onValueChanged
    ..onValueChangeStart = onValueChangeStart
    ..onValueChangeEnd = onValueChangeEnd
    ..onValueChanging = onValueChanging
    ..markerType = markerType
    ..color = color
    ..markerWidth = markerWidth
    ..markerHeight = markerHeight
    ..borderWidth = borderWidth
    ..markerOffset = markerOffset
    ..text = text
    ..borderColor = borderColor
    ..offsetUnit = offsetUnit
    ..imageUrl = imageUrl
    ..markerPointerRenderer = markerPointerRenderer
    ..textStyle = textStyle
    ..overlayColor = overlayColor
    ..overlayRadius = overlayRadius
    ..elevation = elevation
    ..enableAnimation = enableAnimation
    ..animationType = animationType
    ..pointerAnimationController = radialAxisScope.animationController
    ..repaintNotifier = radialAxisScope.repaintNotifier
    ..isRadialGaugeAnimationEnabled =
    ..gaugeThemeData = gaugeTheme
    ..value = value.clamp(ancestor.minimum, ancestor.maximum);
  super.updateRenderObject(context, renderObject);