weekNumberStyle property

DateRangePickerWeekNumberStyle weekNumberStyle

Defines the text style for the text in the week number panel of the SfDateRangePicker.

Defaults to null

see also:

  • showWeekNumber, which allows to display the week number of the year in the month view of the date range picker.
  • numberOfWeeksInView, which allows to customize the displaying week count in month view of date range picker.
  • firstDayOfWeek, which used to customize the start day of the week in month view of date range picker.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
  body: SfDateRangePicker(
    view: DateRangePickerView.month,
    monthViewSettings: const DateRangePickerMonthViewSettings(
    showWeekNumber: true,
    weekNumberStyle: const DateRangePickerWeekNumberStyle(
        textStyle: TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic),
        backgroundColor: Colors.purple),


final DateRangePickerWeekNumberStyle weekNumberStyle;