calculateSummaryValue method

String calculateSummaryValue(
  1. GridTableSummaryRow summaryRow,
  2. GridSummaryColumn? summaryColumn,
  3. RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex

Calculates the summary value for the table summary row of a specific column.

Override this method to write the custom logic to calculate the custom summary.

The summaryColumn will be null for the spanned table summary columns.


String calculateSummaryValue(GridTableSummaryRow summaryRow,
    GridSummaryColumn? summaryColumn, RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex) {
  final int titleColumnSpan = grid_helper.getSummaryTitleColumnSpan(
      _dataGridStateDetails!(), summaryRow);

  if (summaryRow.showSummaryInRow ||
      (!summaryRow.showSummaryInRow &&
          titleColumnSpan > 0 &&
          rowColumnIndex.columnIndex < titleColumnSpan)) {
    String title = summaryRow.title ?? '';
    if (summaryRow.title != null) {
      for (final GridSummaryColumn cell in summaryRow.columns) {
        if (title.contains( {
          final String summaryValue =
              grid_helper.getSummaryValue(cell, _effectiveRows);
          title = title.replaceAll('{${}}', summaryValue);
    return title;
  } else {
    return grid_helper.getSummaryValue(summaryColumn!, _effectiveRows);