handlePageChange method

  1. @override
Future<bool> handlePageChange(
  1. int oldPageIndex,
  2. int newPageIndex

Called when the page is navigated.

Return true, if the navigation should be performed. Otherwise, return false to disable the navigation for specific page index.


Future<bool> handlePageChange(int oldPageIndex, int newPageIndex) {
  if (effectiveRows.isEmpty || _pageCount == 0) {
    _paginatedRows = <DataGridRow>[];
    return Future<bool>.value(true);

  final DataGridConfiguration dataGridConfiguration =

  final int rowsPerPage = dataGridConfiguration.rowsPerPage ??
      (effectiveRows.length / _pageCount).ceil();
  final int startIndex = newPageIndex * rowsPerPage;
  int endIndex = startIndex + rowsPerPage;

  /// Need to calculate endIndex for the last page, when the number of rows is
  /// lesser than rowsPerPage.
  if (endIndex > effectiveRows.length) {
    endIndex = effectiveRows.length;

  /// Get particular range from the sorted collection.
  if (startIndex < effectiveRows.length && endIndex <= effectiveRows.length) {
    _paginatedRows = effectiveRows.getRange(startIndex, endIndex).toList();
  } else {
    _paginatedRows = <DataGridRow>[];

  /// Updates the collection in data pager.

  return Future<bool>.value(true);