addDays (dynamic date , int days )
→ dynamic
Return date value without hour and minutes consideration.
addDuration (dynamic date , Duration duration )
→ dynamic
Add the date value with duration without daylight saving value
convertToGregorianDate (HijriDateTime ? date , {int year = 0 , int month = 0 , int day = 0 })
→ DateTime
Converts and returns the gregorian date from the given hijri date values.
convertToHijriDate (DateTime date )
→ HijriDateTime
Converts and retusn the hijri date for the given gregorian date.
degreeToRadian (int deg )
→ double
This method converts the corresponding degrees to radian
drawCircle (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the circle shape marker
drawDiamond (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the Diamond shape marker
drawHorizontalLine (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the Horizontal line shape marker
drawInvertedTriangle (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the Inverted Triangle shape marker
drawPentagon (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the Pentagon shape marker
drawRectangle (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the Rectangle shape marker
drawTriangle (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the Triangle shape marker
drawVerticalLine (Path path , double x , double y , double width , double height )
→ void
Draw the Vertical line shape marker
getFirstDayOfWeekDate (int visibleDatesCount , dynamic date , int firstDayOfWeek )
→ dynamic
Calculate first day of week date value based original date with first day of
week value.
getMaxLinesContent (String ? text )
→ int
This method returns the maximum lines in the given text content
getNextMonthDate (dynamic date )
→ dynamic
Returns the next month start date for the given date..
getPreviousMonthDate (dynamic date )
→ dynamic
Returns the previous month start date for the given date.
getShapesPath ({Canvas ? canvas , Paint ? paint , Paint ? borderPaint , required Rect rect , required ShapeMarkerType shapeType , Path ? path , double ? pentagonRotation = -pi / 2 , double ? radius , double ? degree , double ? startAngle , double ? endAngle })
→ Path
Get the various shape path
getValidDate (dynamic minDate , dynamic maxDate , dynamic date )
→ dynamic
Return the given date if the date in between first and last date
else return first date/last date when the date before of first date or after
last date
getVisibleDates (dynamic date , List <int > ? nonWorkingDays , int firstDayOfWeek , int visibleDatesCount )
→ List
Get the visible dates based on the date value and visible dates count.
isDateWithInDateRange (dynamic startDate , dynamic endDate , dynamic date )
→ bool
Check the date in between first and last date
isSameDate (dynamic date1 , dynamic date2 )
→ bool
Check the dates are equal or not.
isSameOrAfterDate (dynamic firstDate , dynamic date )
→ bool
Check the date after/same of first date
isSameOrBeforeDate (dynamic lastDate , dynamic date )
→ bool
Check the date before/same of last date
measureText (String textValue , TextStyle textStyle , [int ? angle ])
→ Size
This method measures the size for given text and text style.
offsetToVector2 (Offset offset )
→ Vector2
This method converts the corresponding Offset to Vector2
paint ({required Canvas canvas , required Rect rect , required ShapeMarkerType shapeType , required Paint paint , ShapeMarkerType ? overlayMarkerType , Path ? path , double ? elevation , Color ? elevationColor , Paint ? borderPaint , double ? degree , double ? startAngle , double ? endAngle })
→ void
Draws the different marker shapes.
rotatedTextSize (Size size , int angle )
→ Rect
This method returns the rect for given size and angle
subtractDuration (dynamic date , Duration duration )
→ dynamic
Subtract the date value with duration without daylight saving value
transform (Matrix2 matrix , Offset offset )
→ Offset
This method transforms the given offset with respect ot the given matrix
vector2ToOffset (Vector2 vector )
→ Offset
This method converts the corresponding Vector2 to Offset
syncfusion_flutter_core 28.1.33