overlappingThumbStrokeColor property

Color? overlappingThumbStrokeColor

Create a SfRangeSliderThemeData given a set of exact values. All the values must be specified.

This will rarely be used directly. It is used by lerp to create intermediate themes based on two themes created with the SfRangeSliderThemeData constructor. Specifies the stroke color for the thumbs when they overlap in the SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.

If the thumb already has a stroke color, this color will not be applied.

SfRangeValues _values = SfRangeValues(4.0, 7.0);

  body: Center(
      child: SfRangeSliderTheme(
          data: SfRangeSliderThemeData(
             overlappingThumbStrokeColor: Colors.red,
          child:  SfRangeSlider(
              min: 2.0,
              max: 10.0,
              values: _values,
              onChanged: (SfRangeValues newValues){
                  setState(() {
                      _values = newValues;

See also:


/// Specifies the stroke color for the thumbs when they overlap in the
/// [SfRangeSlider], and [SfRangeSelector].
/// If the thumb already has a stroke color, this color will not be applied.
/// ```dart
/// SfRangeValues _values = SfRangeValues(4.0, 7.0);
/// Scaffold(
///   body: Center(
///       child: SfRangeSliderTheme(
///           data: SfRangeSliderThemeData(
///              overlappingThumbStrokeColor: Colors.red,
///           ),
///           child:  SfRangeSlider(
///               min: 2.0,
///               max: 10.0,
///               values: _values,
///               onChanged: (SfRangeValues newValues){
///                   setState(() {
///                       _values = newValues;
///                   });
///               },
///           )
///       ),
///    )
/// )
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [thumbStrokeColor] and [thumbStrokeWidth], for setting the default
/// stroke for the range slider and range selector thumbs.
final Color? overlappingThumbStrokeColor;