copyWith method
- Brightness? brightness,
- Color? backgroundColor,
- Color? titleColor,
- Color? axisLabelColor,
- Color? axisLineColor,
- Color? majorTickColor,
- Color? minorTickColor,
- Color? markerColor,
- Color? markerBorderColor,
- Color? needleColor,
- Color? knobColor,
- Color? knobBorderColor,
- Color? tailColor,
- Color? tailBorderColor,
- Color? rangePointerColor,
- Color? rangeColor,
- Color? titleBorderColor,
- Color? titleBackgroundColor,
- TextStyle? titleTextStyle,
- TextStyle? axisLabelTextStyle,
- TextStyle? markerTextStyle,
Creates a copy of this gauge theme data object with the matching fields replaced with the non-null parameter values.
SfGaugeThemeData copyWith(
{Brightness? brightness,
Color? backgroundColor,
Color? titleColor,
Color? axisLabelColor,
Color? axisLineColor,
Color? majorTickColor,
Color? minorTickColor,
Color? markerColor,
Color? markerBorderColor,
Color? needleColor,
Color? knobColor,
Color? knobBorderColor,
Color? tailColor,
Color? tailBorderColor,
Color? rangePointerColor,
Color? rangeColor,
Color? titleBorderColor,
Color? titleBackgroundColor,
TextStyle? titleTextStyle,
TextStyle? axisLabelTextStyle,
TextStyle? markerTextStyle}) {
return SfGaugeThemeData.raw(
brightness: brightness,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? this.backgroundColor,
titleColor: titleColor ?? this.titleColor,
axisLabelColor: axisLabelColor ?? this.axisLabelColor,
axisLineColor: axisLineColor ?? this.axisLineColor,
majorTickColor: majorTickColor ?? this.majorTickColor,
minorTickColor: minorTickColor ?? this.minorTickColor,
markerColor: markerColor ?? this.markerColor,
markerBorderColor: markerBorderColor ?? this.markerBorderColor,
needleColor: needleColor ?? this.needleColor,
knobColor: knobColor ?? this.knobColor,
knobBorderColor: knobBorderColor ?? this.knobBorderColor,
tailColor: tailColor ?? this.tailColor,
tailBorderColor: tailBorderColor ?? this.tailBorderColor,
rangePointerColor: rangePointerColor ?? this.rangePointerColor,
rangeColor: rangeColor ?? this.rangeColor,
titleBorderColor: titleBorderColor ?? this.titleBorderColor,
titleBackgroundColor: titleBackgroundColor ?? this.titleBackgroundColor,
titleTextStyle: titleTextStyle ?? this.titleTextStyle,
axisLabelTextStyle: axisLabelTextStyle ?? this.axisLabelTextStyle,
markerTextStyle: markerTextStyle ?? this.markerTextStyle);