populateDataSource method

  1. @override
void populateDataSource([
  1. List<ChartValueMapper<T, num>>? yPaths,
  2. List<List<num>>? chaoticYLists,
  3. List<List<num>>? yLists,
  4. List<ChartValueMapper<T, Object>>? fPaths,
  5. List<List<Object?>>? chaoticFLists,
  6. List<List<Object?>>? fLists,


void populateDataSource([
  List<ChartValueMapper<T, num>>? yPaths,
  List<List<num>>? chaoticYLists,
  List<List<num>>? yLists,
  List<ChartValueMapper<T, Object>>? fPaths,
  List<List<Object?>>? chaoticFLists,
  List<List<Object?>>? fLists,
]) {
      yPaths, chaoticYLists, yLists, fPaths, chaoticFLists, fLists);

  /// Calculate [StackYValues] based on empty point modes with yValues.

  /// Calculate [topValues] and [bottomValues] as stacked values.

  /// The [topValues] are not calculated,
  /// when chartSeriesRenderer populateDataSource method calling.
  /// So, only we invoke the trendline data source method calling after
  /// stacking values calculated.