getSelectedDataPoints method

List<int> getSelectedDataPoints(
  1. CartesianSeries series

Provides the list of selected point indices for given series.


List<int> getSelectedDataPoints(CartesianSeries series) {
  RenderChartPlotArea? plotArea;
  if (parentBox is RenderChartPlotArea) {
    plotArea = parentBox! as RenderChartPlotArea;
  } else if (parentBox is RenderBehaviorArea) {
    final RenderBehaviorArea behaviorArea = parentBox! as RenderBehaviorArea;
    plotArea = behaviorArea.plotArea;

  if (plotArea == null) {
    return <int>[];

  int seriesIndex = -1;
  RenderBox? child = plotArea.firstChild;
  while (child != null) {
    final ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderBox> childParentData =
        child.parentData! as ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderBox>;
    if (child is ChartSeriesRenderer && child.widget == series) {
      seriesIndex = child.index;
    child = childParentData.nextSibling;

  if (seriesIndex != -1) {
    final Map<int, List<int>> selectedDataPoints =
    if (selectedDataPoints.containsKey(seriesIndex)) {
      return plotArea.selectionController.selectedDataPoints[seriesIndex]!;

  return <int>[];