updateDataPoints method

  1. @override
void updateDataPoints(
  1. List<int>? removedIndexes,
  2. List<int>? addedIndexes,
  3. List<int>? replacedIndexes, [
  4. List<ChartValueMapper<T, num>>? yPaths,
  5. List<List<num>>? chaoticYLists,
  6. List<List<num>>? yLists,
  7. List<ChartValueMapper<T, Object>>? fPaths,
  8. List<List<Object?>>? chaoticFLists,
  9. List<List<Object?>>? fLists,


void updateDataPoints(
  List<int>? removedIndexes,
  List<int>? addedIndexes,
  List<int>? replacedIndexes, [
  List<ChartValueMapper<T, num>>? yPaths,
  List<List<num>>? chaoticYLists,
  List<List<num>>? yLists,
  List<ChartValueMapper<T, Object>>? fPaths,
  List<List<Object?>>? chaoticFLists,
  List<List<Object?>>? fLists,
]) {
  // For Histogram series, it is not possible to add, remove, or replace
  // a data point based on the indexes, because the xValues and yValues are
  // calculated based on the entire range of data. Therefore, we need to
  // re-calculate the histogram x and y values dynamically.
  // To achieve this, we directly call the markNeedsUpdate() method.
  canUpdateOrCreateSegments = true;